BEGIN YOUR financial awakening

Laura Fish FCCA
Financial Educator & Coach

Maybe you want to start a business and don’t know where to start with finance and tax. Maybe you run your own business but get lost in the numbers. I’m here to teach you.

I know what you’re thinking, ‘finance is for the accountants’ and it is, but wouldn’t you love to have a better understanding of your business, feel confident in your decision making, because you know the numbers stack up, and have the financial understanding to be able to follow your business dreams, knowing you’re making a profit?

If you’re thinking ‘that’s me’ then I’m your girl.

This programme allows us to work through some detailed learning in an easy to understand format, included illustrations and examples to help it all make sense. The programme is tailored to you and your business such as business structure and industry so you won’t be learning anything you don’t need to know.

1:1 financial coaching

What’s included..

12 or 24 week programme

12 x 60 minute 1:1 session (weekly or fortnightly)

Unlimited email support

Exercises and videos

Intensive coaching

This is intensive sessions to focus on specific questions or topics you would like to learn about. This could be you’ve got some specific goals you want to achieve like being able to take the school Summer Holidays off work but you’re not quite sure how to get there. You might want to focus on how to determine appropriate prices for your products or services.

2 x 90 minute 1:1 session

Email support for 1 month from the first call


Sign up to watch a masterclass live or watch the recording back in your own time.

Empowerher finance: Intro to finance & Tax

60 min masterclass including presentation and Q&A

Topics covered include:

  • Intro to Tax & HMRC

  • Record keeping / basic bookkeeping

  • Business banking - is it necessary?

  • Are you making a profit?

  • Ways to pay yourself

  • And more..

More coming soon

“Financial independence is not about having a lot of money, it’s about having the freedom to make choices.”
